Vacheron Constantin VC60



226,00 111,00

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Artikelnummer: d2F0Y2hlc18xNTAxX3Vr@Vacheron Constantin 1049 Kategorie: Schlagwort:


Our Vacheron Constantin Replica watches are the way to get the style you crave at a good price. It makes an ideal giftBack: Stainless steel push in back with Vacheron Constantin inscriptions
Gender: Men
Movement: Quartz (Battery)
Quality: Japanese Miyota
Color: Black
Case: Polished stainless steel case
Bracelet: Black crocodile leather strap with „Vacheron Constantin“ inscription and hook buckle clasp
Bracelet Length: 205 x 18 mm
Bezel: Polished stainless steel bezel
Band Type: Skin
Diameter: 37 x 33 mm
Watch Clasp: Buckle
Glass: Sapphire Crystal
Crown: Polished stainless steel crown
Case Thickness: 6 mm

Gender: Men
Diameter: 37 x 33 mm
Movement: Quartz (Battery)

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